
This page consists of my assessments of Geography 336 labs.

Questions to answer:
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

Lab 1: Creation of a Digital Elevation Surface using Critical Thinking Skills and Improvised Survey Techniques.

1. Prior to this activity I would rank my knowledge of surveying and surveying techniques at a 3.

2. After this activity, I would rank myself at a 4.

3. Yes, I really enjoyed the hands on approach to this activity (even though I almost lost my hands to the cold). I would rate it a 5.

4. This activity is kind of tough to enjoy in February, although the learning process was very helpful. A long amount of concentrated time may have been taken if the weather conditions were better. 

Lab 2: Sandbox Visualization. 

1. I would rank my prior knowledge at a 3. I had some knowledge of these methods and had used some of them before but nothing extensive.

2. After I would rank myself a 4.

3. Rate 4.

4. The quick refresher on ArcMap was nice. Glad I got to learn how to use ArcScene. 

Lab 3: Development of a Field Navigation Map

1. I would rank my prior knowledge at a 3. I had some knowledge about the subject but a lot still needed to be learned. 

2. After this assignment I would rank my knowledge at a 3. I could repeat this again but I'm not sure I could confidently teach another student. 

3. Rate 4. I am a hands on learner so the hands on approach always helps me to learn. 

4. Please keep doing tutorials at the beginning of class, I find these very helpful. Possibly having more knowledge about what we will be using these maps for and where could be helpful in determine the spacing of the coordinate systems. 

Lab 4: Introduction to Pix4D

1. Before this lab my I would rank my knowledge of Pix4D at a 1. I wasn't even aware that this software existed. 

2. After, this lab I would rank my knowledge of the tasks that we did in Pix4D at a 4. I would be able to teach someone how to calculate volume and create an animation. 

3. I would rate this as a 5. I really enjoyed using the Pix4D software. 

4. I think the introduction lab before jumping into the software was a very good idea. Again, continue with the tutorials at the beginning of class. 

Lab 5: Construction of a Point Cloud Data Set, True Orthomosaic, and Digital Surface Model using Pix4D Software

1. Before this lab I had some knowledge using pix4D but little knowledge with processing in pix4d, I would give a rate of 2.

2. I would say that I now know enough to repeat what I did but not quite teach someone. Rate of 3.

3. Like usual I like the hands on approach. Rate of 4.

4. I wasn't in class for this lab but the PowerPoint online was enough to get me through the processing steps. The introduction to pix4d was a good touch.

Lab 6: Using a Bluetooth Device with an iOS Device

1. Before this lab I had knowledge of using GPS equipment, but no experience with the BadElf GPS app, so I would rate myself at a 2. 

2. After this lab I would rate myself at a 2, I could explain what I did but probably couldn't repeat it because I was not the person in the group with the iOS device. 

3. Yes, the hands on approach worked, but I would give a rate of 3 because it could of been better. 

4. This activity was good but I think it would be helpful to make sure everyone in the group is seeing what the person with the app is doing. I wasn't real aware of what the BadElf app looked like or how to upload the track log because I was not the one with the iOS device. 

Lab 7: Using Survey 123 to Gather Survey Data using your Smartphone

1. I would rate myself at a 2. I had used surveys before on handheld devices but never Survey 123.

2. I would rate myself a 4 after this activity. I could teach someone else how to create a survey and complete the survey with little difficulty. 

3. The online tutorial work relatively well for me, but it isn't the best way I learn so I would give the tutorial a 3. 

4. Tutorials are helpful activities but I just don't allows retain the information best from them. 

Lab 8: Arc Collector - An Introduction to gathering geospatial data on a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone

1. I would rate my before hand knowledge at a 2. I have had experience with field collection apps but not Arc Collector. 

2. After, I would rate myself at a 4. I could repeat and teach this activity to other students.

3. The hands on approach of this activity helped me to learn the different aspects of the app. I would rate it a 4. 

4. I'm not quite sure what would help make this lab better. I felt it was a good learning experience.

Lab 9: Arc Collector 2

1. I would rate myself at a 4 before this activity.

2. After, I would rate myself at a 4.

3. The hands on approach did help me to learn, rate of 4.

4. Possibly partners would make the project more helpful. I like to bounce ideas off another person. 

Lab 10: Distance Azimuth

1. I would rate myself at a 3 before this lab.

2. After this lab, I would rate myself at a 4.

3. The hands on approach was very helpful, rate of 4. 

4. Not anything I would change. I enjoyed this lab very much, probably my favorite lab of the semester. I also got to use some more ArcGIS skills which is always helpful in the long run. 

Lab 11: An Introduction to UAS

1. I would rate my knowledge of UAS before this lab is a 3, some knowledge.

2. I would rate my knowledge after this lab at a 3, I know enough to repeat what I did.

3. I rate this a 5, this hands on approach is the best way to learn how to use a UAS.

4. A longer introduction to various UAS.


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